1 Cup Azolla (duckweed fern, fairy moss) For KOI pond
In warm water, this plant can DOUBLE in size in a few weeks.
2 Wrigleys spearmint Mint Plants (Organic) Live Plants
Wrigley's has their own farms, and they grow their own variety. It can live and grow in the south, but it likes a colder climate. Update: 06/07/2023. When you order, in the box will be a printout of the story on how I was able to get this variety.
4 Live Mugwort Plant (Artemisia vulgaris) Lucid dreaming
Known for Lucid dreaming, and shaman use.
2 Japanese Mugwort Plants (Artemisia Princeps)
Regular amount of roots. will get 8 feet tall.
500 Duckweed (for KOI Fish Ponds)
Good water filter, fish can eat it. I have a pond that's filled with this duckweed, so I always put extra extra in. You will get way more then whats listed.
1 Cup Azolla (duckweed fern, fairy moss) For KOI pond
In warm water, this plant can DOUBLE in size in a few weeks.